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The Princess And The Pea

A(caps) prince is in the search of a princess to marry. But whenever he meets one, something goes wrong and he fails to find a suitable alliance. One evening, there is a thunderstorm and a young lady, who is fully drenched, knocks on the castle door. She seeks shelter in the prince’s castle.
The young lady claims to be a princess and requests the king and the queen to allow her to spend the night in the castle. As her appearance is distressed and worn out, nobody believes her.
The Princess And The Pea
Unwillingly, the queen allows the young lady to rest in their castle. But to test if the young lady is a real princess, the queen decides to place a pea under the mattress of the guest bed. The young lady is offered a bed, which is covered with 20 huge mattresses with a pea at the bottom.
Next morning, the queen asks their guest if she slept well. The young lady narrates how sleepless her night went as something very hard under the mattress kept her awake all night.
The prince is overjoyed as he has found a true princess. Only a real princess would experience such pain in spite of having 20 feather mattresses placed on top of the pea. The prince and the princess get married and live happily ever after.

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