If you are one of the visitors in the Philippines. You will need this, if someone in your country send money in you. I recommend you to read this information. There are many remittance center where you can claim or send Money local and international. BUT, I recommend you this remittances base on experience.
MLhuillier Financial Services Pawnshop.
Mlhuillier is my number 1 choice to re ommend if you want to claim money in the Philippines. You know why? Mlhuillier have many Remittance partners worldwide and they have also Branches in California. Most of the Branches are air-conditioned and they have some Branches that are 24/7 Mondays to Sundays in most of the Cities and Provinces.For more information Just kindly visit their website @ www.mlhuillier.com.
Cebuana Lhuillier
Cebuana Lhuillier is relative to Mlhuillier but they are competitors. They have also SOME the same REMITTANCE PARTNERS and services offered but in different way. For more information jus kindly Visit their website @ www.cebuanalhuillier.com
PALAWAN Pawnshop
Palawan Pawnshop have also some remittance partners and services that are the same as Mlhuillier and Cebuana Lhuillier. FOR MORE information just kindly visit their website @ https://www.palawanpawnshop.com/
WESTERN UNION have different Partners worldwide . You can claim western union in other remittances like Mlhullier and Palawan. FOR more information Just kindly visit their wesite @ https://www.westernunion.com/ph/en/home.html
You can also claim money in LBC local and international but most of the time they focus on shipment or delivery of important materials or documents.
FOR more information Just kindly visit their wesite @ https://www.lbcexpress.com/
Other remittance are:
RD Pawnshop,Villarica,Hlhuillier, and more.
Note: This article is intended only for education and guide for those not familiar.No promotion is included . Any claims, kindly Go to our contact page. THANK YOU.